Well I made it. my flight landed at about 5:30am local time Tuesday (which is 6pm CST on Monday). I am so happy to be on the ground and no longer squeezed into an airplane seat.
My luggage, unfortunately, has not made it :(. The good new is that it isn’t lost, so that makes me really relieved. In all the switching craziness, I guess I got ahead of it and it was scheduled to come in on the 10:30pm flight. I’ve never prayed about luggage before, so I guess that’s one more thing to chalk up to this new adventure.
It hit me while I was waiting in line at the British Airways counter to sort out my luggage stuff the absurdity of what I have undertaken. I’ve jumped into new and unfamiliar things before (North Park, Mission Year, Gulf Coast), but somehow that’s a little different this time around. I am highly dependent on others for everything from finding water that is safe to drink, to working with money, to just getting around. I know that in time, I will gain a familiarity with what is going on and how to function, but for now it’s pretty crazy.
That’s just a quick hit for now, there’s plenty more to share, but really I just wanted people to know that I made it :)
I'm glad you're there! Glad you are safe! Glad you're blogging! I'm excited to hear more!