27 January 2007

the consumer disconnect

it hit me today how that our society has completely lost any and all respect, ability and desire for craftsmanship. everything comes to us prefabricated, uniform and easily replicated. maybe this is the consequence of a consumer based society. when something breaks or wears out or we just tire of it, we simply go buy another with no real understanding of the time, energy, skill and creativity necessary to bring into being the things we find in our lives. this disconnectedness cannot be good for it only leads to misuse and abuse (of both things and people) because we cannot see the connections or relationships. i lament my ignorance and lack of desire to learn to embrace craftmanship as a way of connectedness to life...


  1. Anonymous10:51

    Karl Marx called this Commodification.

  2. yeah, i was trying to avoid using that word since it seems so lofty and disconnected (and my desire is to become more connected), but thanks for brining marx in. he's got some good perspective (horrible application) and i think i needto revisit some of his stuff...
