19 February 2008

'Tis the Season

One of the down sides of living in Mississippi is that allergy season sure hits a lot earlier than the northland. Every year when they roll around, I get all buddy-buddy with a box of tissues and decongestants and do my best not to completely sell out and pay homage to Plato (“body bad, dulls the mind” to horribly parapharse). At least i can take solace in the fact that I’m enjoying 60* temps in February...


  1. Anonymous12:19

    actually, don't you make friends with a roll of tiolet paper??I bet you have a roll in your truck right now!

    Feel better!

  2. I don't envy those allergies, but I do envy that nice weather!

  3. you know you really wish you were in the land of nine-degree highs for several days in a row....
