I’m not a huge fan of throwing facts around, but they do help to add insight sometimes... Here’s a collection of different facts about India that I’ve been collecting as I go...
1.027 Billion - Population (2001 census)
16.7% - Percentage of the World’s Population
53.7% - Literacy Rate for Women
75.3% - Literacy Rate for Men
41% - Families living in one-room homes
1st - World Ranking for reported HIV positive persons
60 million(est) - Number of Child Laborers
350 million(est) - Number of Persons below the Poverty Line
35%-40%(est) - Percentage of the Population that lives on less than $1(US) per day
2035(est) - Year in which India will surpass China as the most populous nation
Well, I do love numbers and facts, but I don't even know how to get my head around numbers like that.
ReplyDeleteBut here's a number I can grasp that was left off your list- 11.
Those 11 boys in that house have a new chance to break the cycle of big numbers you've listed because of that home, the house parents, the mentors, the fancy school, and those wacky american volunteers.
Maybe, when the big numbers are overwhelming, we gotta look back to the small numbers and see what we can do.