21 August 2008

Winding down...

Things continue to move right along here. It’s pretty hard to believe that August is already 3 weeks long and that the summer really is winding down. We have been having some pretty good weather lately with temps being in the low 90s and humidity has fallen some too. So for the most part, it’s been business as usual.

We have been talking quite a bit about my leaving. I currently have outstanding offers of a daily cup of tea, three slightly chewed erasers (tempting), room cleaning service and jelabis (a local sweet treat) should I choose to extend my stay. A few of the boys have wondered if I’m going to be living on the streets after I leave home or why exactly I would want to leave India for America.

For the most part, there has been a volunteer here at the home since it opened due to the fact that the boys were not in school and needed quite a bit of attention. So next week will really be the first time that there is nobody else living here at the Home. They have also found quite a bit of comfort here in the Home and assume that I as well have found this to be the best place that I have ever lived as well.

The truth is that I am ready to leave. It has been amazing being here and quite the way to spend a few weeks, but I am ready for more than just being a big brother. It has definitely become apparent how much the last few years have worn me out and sapped quite a bit out of me and I’m pretty sure that 11 boys don’t necessarily fill the tank back up.

And so I am preparing to leave. Ready to leave. Grateful for the chance to spend a few weeks just being me and living in the ups and downs that these boys have in their lives. It sure didn’t have to be this good...

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